Zero Install

the antidote to app-stores

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Making shortcuts

Shortcuts provide an easy way to run a program without entering the full URI, just like a bookmark in a web-browser provides an easy way to return to a web page without entering the full URL.

Different environments provide different ways to add shortcuts.

  1. GNOME
  2. KDE
  3. ROX
  4. Finder
  5. Shell


Choose Zero Install -> Add New Program from the Applications menu. Type in the URI, or drag it from the web-browser into the dialog box.

Adding with GNOME

Ubuntu users: You need to open and then close the menu editor after adding a program before it will show up; see Ubuntu bug #191958. You can also run programs directly by choosing Manage Programs from the menu.


Choose Add Zero Install Program from the Utilities menu. Type in the URI, or drag it from the web-browser into the dialog box.

Adding with KDE


Drag the link from your web-browser to the AddApp program, then drag the launcher from there to wherever you want it. AddApp's page has more details.

Adding with ROX


Copy the link from your web-browser to the AddApp program, then save the launcher from there to wherever you want it.

Adding with Finder


The 0install add command can be used to create little shell scripts to start programs easily:

$ 0install add rox-edit

The command puts the script in the first writable directory in your $PATH. You can now run Edit like this:

$ rox-edit