Linux Packages
- Arch Linux
- Debian / Knoppix / Mint / Ubuntu
- Fedora
- Gentoo
- OpenSUSE
- Red Hat
- Slackware
- Generic binaries
If a package for your distribution is listed above, install that and then try using it! Otherwise, get the source package instead or try the generic binaries.
Arch Linux
The most reliable option is to build from source:
pacman -Sy opam aspcud make m4 patch unzip gcc sed awk grep camlp4 opam init --comp=4.04.1 opam depext -i 0install eval $(opam config env) 0install --version
The generic binary (see below) also works, but you need the old libcurl:
pacman -Sy wget tar libcurl-compat wget tar xf 0install-linux-x86_64-2.12.1.tar.bz2 cd 0install-linux-x86_64-2.12.1 ./ local 0install --version
Finally, there is also the zeroinstall-injector AUR package.
Debian / Knoppix / Mint / Ubuntu
Zero Install is part of the main Debian archive, so you can get it with:
# apt-get install zeroinstall-injector
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: you may find a newer version works better: the Raring .deb works fine.
On Debian/unstable (since 2014-04-16), there is a "0install-core" package. This doesn't depend on any GUI components, which makes it more suitable for headless servers or small VMs. To install with minimal dependencies:
# apt-get install 0install-core --no-install-recommends
Packages are in Fedora (thanks to Michel Alexandre Salim), so just do:# yum install 0installfor the new OCaml RPM, or:
# yum install zeroinstall-injectorfor the older Python RPM .
zeroinstall-injector is in Gentoo (the version, 1.11, is very old though).
A package is available from the main repository (since OpenSUSE 12.1):
Package in the OpenSUSE distribution
For older systems:
Red Hat
- RHEL 5 RPM (0.35)
- RHEL 6 RPM (1.10)
A package is available in the Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL):
# yum install zeroinstall-injector
Slackware packages are available from
Generic binaries
There are some pre-compiled generic binaries available. These work on Linux-x86 (32-bit Linux), Linux-x86_64 (64-bit Linux), and Linux-armv6l (Raspberry Pi with Raspbian).
Download the appropriate archive for your system, unpack it, and run the script inside. You'll need libcurl installed (most systems have it by default).